SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Если у вас возникают проблемы и вопросы по настройке форума phpBB3 либо выскакивают непонятные ошибки, не устанавливаются либо криво работают модификации, то этот раздел для вас. Обсуждаем все вопросы, связанные со стилями, модификациями, доработками и проблемами их использования.
Перед тем, как обратиться за помощью, обязательно заполните свой профиль (укажите ссылку на свой форум). Если есть вопрос по конкретной модификации, то обязательно пользуемся поиском по форуму, потому как, возможно, уже есть анонс этого мода и соответственно вопрос задается в теме анонса.

Модераторы: Vl@d1m1r, Lorem Ipsum, Atlas

Правила форума
Зашел немного посидеть
Зашел немного посидеть
Сообщения: 68
Стаж: 11 лет 5 месяцев

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение weerdsa »

Здравствуйте в очередной раз :smu:sche_nie:
Пользуюсь модом SEO Mod Версия мода: 1.0.0 Автор: Handyman
вот ссыль:
да, мод кривоват, знаю, но был необходим.
Проблема в том, что rss лента гененирует ссылки в старом формате, которые недействуют, в итоге при клике по теме в rss. возникает ошибка:

Код: Выделить всё

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'phpbb_topics t WHERE t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND t.topic_id = 615' at line 3 [1064]


SELECT t.topic_title FROM phpbb_posts p phpbb_topics t WHERE t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND t.topic_id = 615


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 757
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 175
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_seo.php
LINE: 164
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/viewtopic.php
LINE: 72
CALL: moved_topic()
ума пока не хватает как это исправить, либо как-то делать в htacess как-то мудрить, либо rss.php править. Пробовал второе, недодумался(

вот код rss.php

Код: Выделить всё

 MSSTI RSS feed 2.0


define('IN_PHPBB', true);
define('RSS_DEBUG_MODE', false);
define('RSS_DEBUG_SQL', false);

$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);

// Start session
$user->add_lang( array('common', 'viewtopic', 'acp/common', 'mods/rss') );

// Initialize RSS object
$rss = new phpbb_rss();

// Initialize default values

// All must happens inside the feed 
if ( !$config['rss_enable'] )
	$template->assign_block_vars('items', array(
		'TITLE'			=> html_entity_decode(utf8_htmlspecialchars($user->lang['NO_RSS_ENABLED'])),
		'LINK'			=> $rss->rss_append_sid( URL_INDEX ),
		'DESCRIPTION'	=> $user->lang['NO_RSS_ENABLED'] . '<p>' . ( (!empty($config['board_contact'])) ? sprintf($user->lang['NOTIFY_ADMIN_EMAIL'], $config['board_contact']) : $user->lang['NOTIFY_ADMIN'] ) . '</p>',
	// Build the sql

	// Run the sql
	$rss_result = $rss->rss_get_feed();

	if( !$rss_result )
		$template->assign_block_vars('items', array(
			'TITLE'			=> html_entity_decode(utf8_htmlspecialchars($user->lang['NO_RSS_ITEMS'])),
			'LINK'			=> $rss->rss_append_sid( URL_INDEX ),
			'DESCRIPTION'	=> $user->lang[$rss->lang_error],
	// If we are here means that all is fine,
		// Okay, lets dump out the page ...
		for ($i = 0, $items = sizeof($rss_result); $i < $items; $i++)
			$item_row = $rss->rss_adjust_item($rss_result[$i]);

			$template->assign_block_vars('items', array(
				'TITLE'			=> html_entity_decode(utf8_htmlspecialchars($item_row['TITLE'])),
				'LINK'			=> utf8_htmlspecialchars($item_row['LINK']),
				'DESCRIPTION'	=> $item_row['TEXT'],
				'STATISTICS'	=> ( !$config['rss_items_statistics'] || !$item_row['STATS']		) ? '' : $user->lang['STATISTICS'] . ' : ' . $item_row['STATS'],
				'PUBDATE'		=> ( !$config['rss_items_statistics'] || !$item_row['DATE']			) ? '' : $rss->rss_date2822(false, $item_row['DATE']),
				'CATEGORY'		=> ( !$config['rss_items_statistics'] || !$item_row['CATEGORY']		) ? '' : utf8_htmlspecialchars($item_row['CATEGORY']),
				'CATEGORY_NAME'	=> ( !$config['rss_items_statistics'] || !$item_row['CATEGORY_NAME']) ? '' : html_entity_decode($item_row['CATEGORY_NAME']),
				'AUTHOR'		=> ( !$config['rss_items_statistics'] || !$item_row['AUTHOR']		) ? '' : utf8_htmlspecialchars($item_row['AUTHOR']),
				'GUID'			=> utf8_htmlspecialchars($item_row['LINK']),

// Output page

class phpbb_rss
	// SQL Query to be executed to get feed items
	var $sql			= '';
	var $sql_limit		= 0;

	// An array of excluded forum ids.
	var $excluded_forums_ary = NULL;

	var $extensions_ary 	= NULL;

	// Default setting for last x days
	var $sort_days = 7;

	// Reset some data
	var $row_title			= '';
	var $row_title2			= '';
	var $row_creator		= '';
	var $row_username		= '';
	var $row_text			= '';
	var $row_bit			= '';
	var $row_uid			= '';
	var	$enable_bbcode		= NULL;
	var	$enable_smilies		= NULL;
	var	$enable_magic_url	= NULL;
	var $options			= 7;
	var $row_date			= '';

	* Initiealize some basic values
	function rss_get_ini()
		global $user, $user_id, $config, $phpEx;

		// Made all relative links to absolute links
		define('URL_BOARD',			generate_board_url() . '/' );
		define('URL_INDEX',			URL_BOARD . "index.$phpEx" );
		define('URL_VIEWFORUM',		URL_BOARD . "viewforum.$phpEx" );
		define('URL_VIEWTOPIC',		URL_BOARD . "viewtopic.$phpEx" );
		define('URL_MEMBERLIST',	URL_BOARD . "memberlist.$phpEx" );
		define('URL_DOWNLOAD_FILE',	URL_BOARD . "download/file.$phpEx" );
		define('URL_FEED', 			URL_BOARD . "rss.$phpEx" );

	// Initial var setup
		$this->rss_f_id		= request_var('f', 0);
		$this->rss_t_id		= request_var('t', 0);
		$this->rss_p_id		= request_var('p', 0);
		$this->rss_mode		= request_var('mode', '');
		$this->lang_mode	= '';
		$this->lang_error	= 'NO_RSS_ITEMS_EXPLAIN';

		// Flood limits
		$this->text_limit	= $config['rss_characters'];
		$this->show_text	= ( $this->text_limit == 1 ) ? false : true;

		// Search for active topics in last 7 days
		$this->sort_days	= request_var('st', $this->sort_days);

		// Number of items to fetch
		$this->sql_limit	= $config['rss_limit'];

		$this->u_rss		= URL_FEED . ( empty($this->rss_mode) ? '' : '?mode='.$this->rss_mode ) . ( empty($this->rss_f_id) ? '' : '?f='.$this->rss_f_id ) . ( empty($this->rss_t_id) ? '' : ( empty($this->rss_f_id) ? '?t='.$this->rss_t_id : '&t='.$this->rss_t_id ) );

		if ( $user_id != 0 )
			$is_amp = (strpos( $this->u_rss, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&';
			$this->u_rss	.= "{$is_amp}uid=$user_id";

			$starttime = explode(' ', microtime());
			$this->starttime = $starttime[1] + $starttime[0];

	* Return correct object for specified mode
	* @return object	Returns correct RSS object for specified mode.
	function rss_get_sql()
		global $user, $db, $config;

		$sql_array = array(
			'SELECT'	=> '',
			'FROM'		=> array(),
			'WHERE'		=> '',

		switch ($this->rss_mode)
			case 'forums':
				// Check if this option is enabled
				if ( $config['rss_overall_forums'] )
					// Adjust the amount of items to display
					$this->sql_limit			= $config['rss_overall_forums_limit'];

					// This option is forced here, only for a specific user request
					$config['rss_forums_topics'] = true;

					$this->row_title			= 'forum_name';
					$this->row_creator			= 'forum_last_poster_id';
					$this->row_username			= 'forum_last_poster_name';
					$this->row_text				= 'forum_desc';
					$this->row_bit				= 'forum_desc_bitfield';
					$this->row_uid				= 'forum_desc_uid';
					$this->enable_bbcode		= true;
					$this->enable_smilies		= true;
					$this->enable_magic_url		= true;
					$this->options				= 'forum_desc_options';
					$this->row_date				= 'forum_last_post_time';

					$sql_array['SELECT'] = 'f.forum_id, f.forum_status, f.forum_password, f.forum_topics, f.forum_posts, f.forum_name, f.forum_last_poster_id, f.forum_last_poster_name, f.forum_desc, f.forum_desc_bitfield, f.forum_desc_uid, f.forum_desc_options, f.forum_last_post_time, f.parent_id, f.left_id, f.right_id ';
					$sql_array['FROM'][FORUMS_TABLE] = 'f';
					$sql_array['WHERE'] = 'f.forum_type = ' . FORUM_CAT; // . ' AND f.forum_last_post_id > 0 ';
					$sql_array['ORDER_BY'] = 'f.left_id';

			case 'topics':
				// Check if this option is enabled
				if ( $config['rss_overall_threads'] )
					// Adjust the amount of items to display
					$this->sql_limit			= $config['rss_overall_threads_limit'];

					$this->row_title			= 'topic_title';
					$this->row_creator			= 'topic_poster';
					$this->row_title2			= 'forum_name';
					$this->row_text				= 'post_text';
					$this->row_bit				= 'bbcode_bitfield';
					$this->row_uid				= 'bbcode_uid';
					$this->enable_bbcode		= 'enable_bbcode';
					$this->enable_smilies		= 'enable_smilies';
					$this->enable_magic_url		= 'enable_magic_url';
					$this->options				= 7;
					$this->row_date				= 'topic_time';

					$sql_array['SELECT'] = 'f.forum_id, f.forum_status, f.forum_password, f.forum_name, f.forum_topics, f.forum_posts, f.parent_id, f.left_id, f.right_id';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', t.topic_id, t.topic_status, t.topic_title, t.topic_poster, t.topic_first_poster_name, t.topic_replies, t.topic_views, t.topic_time';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', p.post_id, p.post_text, p.bbcode_bitfield, p.bbcode_uid, p.enable_bbcode, p.enable_smilies, p.enable_magic_url, p.post_attachment';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', u.username, u.user_id, u.user_email, u.user_allow_viewemail';
					$sql_array['FROM'][FORUMS_TABLE] = 'f';
					$sql_array['FROM'][TOPICS_TABLE] = 't';
					$sql_array['FROM'][POSTS_TABLE]  = 'p';
					$sql_array['FROM'][USERS_TABLE]  = 'u';
					$sql_array['WHERE'] = 't.topic_approved = 1 AND ( f.forum_id = t.forum_id AND p.topic_id = t.topic_id AND u.user_id = t.topic_poster )';
					$sql_array['ORDER_BY'] = 't.topic_last_post_time DESC';

			case 'posts':
				// Check if this option is enabled
				if ( $config['rss_overall_posts'] )
					// Adjust the amount of items to display
					$this->sql_limit			= $config['rss_overall_posts_limit'];

					$this->row_title			= 'post_subject';
					$this->row_title2			= 'forum_name';
					$this->row_creator			= 'poster_id';
					$this->row_text				= 'post_text';
					$this->row_bit				= 'bbcode_bitfield';
					$this->row_uid				= 'bbcode_uid';
					$this->enable_bbcode		= 'enable_bbcode';
					$this->enable_smilies		= 'enable_smilies';
					$this->enable_magic_url		= 'enable_magic_url';
					$this->options				= 7;
					$this->row_date				= 'post_time';

					$sql_array['SELECT'] = 'f.forum_id, f.forum_status, f.forum_password, f.forum_name, f.parent_id, f.left_id, f.right_id';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', p.post_id, p.poster_id, p.post_time, p.post_subject, p.post_text, p.bbcode_bitfield, p.bbcode_uid, p.enable_bbcode, p.enable_smilies, p.enable_magic_url, p.post_attachment';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', u.username, u.user_id, u.user_email, u.user_allow_viewemail';
					$sql_array['FROM'][FORUMS_TABLE] = 'f';
					$sql_array['FROM'][POSTS_TABLE]  = 'p';
					$sql_array['FROM'][USERS_TABLE]  = 'u';
					$sql_array['WHERE'] = 'p.post_approved = 1 AND f.forum_id = p.forum_id AND u.user_id = p.poster_id ';
					$sql_array['ORDER_BY'] = 'p.post_time DESC';

			case 'newposts':
				// Check if this option is enabled
				if ( $config['rss_newposts'] )
					$this->row_title			= 'topic_title';
					$this->row_title2			= 'forum_name';
					$this->row_creator			= 'topic_poster';
					$this->row_text				= 'post_text';
					$this->row_bit				= 'bbcode_bitfield';
					$this->row_uid				= 'bbcode_uid';
					$this->enable_bbcode		= 'enable_bbcode';
					$this->enable_smilies		= 'enable_smilies';
					$this->enable_magic_url		= 'enable_magic_url';
					$this->options				= 7;
					$this->row_date				= 'topic_time';

					// Search for active topics
					$last_post_time_sql	= ( $user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ) ? $user->data['user_lastvisit'] :  (time() - ($this->sort_days * 24 * 3600));

					$sql_array['SELECT'].= 'f.forum_id, f.forum_status, f.forum_password, f.forum_name, f.forum_topics, f.forum_posts, f.parent_id, f.left_id, f.right_id';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', t.topic_id, t.topic_status, t.topic_title, t.topic_poster, t.topic_first_poster_name, t.topic_replies, t.topic_views, t.topic_time, t.topic_approved, t.topic_moved_id, t.topic_last_post_time';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', p.post_id, p.post_text, p.bbcode_bitfield, p.bbcode_uid, p.enable_bbcode, p.enable_smilies, p.enable_magic_url, p.post_attachment, p.post_time';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', u.username, u.user_id, u.user_email, u.user_allow_viewemail';
					$sql_array['FROM'][FORUMS_TABLE] = 'f';
					$sql_array['FROM'][TOPICS_TABLE] = 't';
					$sql_array['FROM'][POSTS_TABLE]  = 'p';
					$sql_array['FROM'][USERS_TABLE]  = 'u';
					$sql_array['WHERE'] = 't.topic_last_post_time > ' . $last_post_time_sql;
					$sql_array['WHERE'].= ' AND t.topic_moved_id = 0';
					$sql_array['WHERE'].= ' AND t.topic_approved = 1 ';
					$sql_array['WHERE'].= ' AND ( f.forum_id = t.forum_id AND p.topic_id = t.topic_id  AND u.user_id = t.topic_poster )';
					$sql_array['ORDER_BY'] = 't.topic_last_post_time DESC';

			// Force the feeds to read specified forums ?
			case 'news':
				// Check if this option is enabled
				if ( $config['rss_news_id'] !== '' )
					// Which forums should be searched ?
					$include_forums = array();
					if (!is_array( $config['rss_news_id'] ))
						$forums_id	= explode(",", $config['rss_news_id'] );
					foreach ( $forums_id as $fid )
						$include_forums[] = (int) $fid;

					$this->row_title			= 'topic_title';
					$this->row_title2			= 'forum_name';
					$this->row_creator			= 'topic_poster';
					$this->row_text				= 'post_text';
					$this->row_bit				= 'bbcode_bitfield';
					$this->row_uid				= 'bbcode_uid';
					$this->enable_bbcode		= 'enable_bbcode';
					$this->enable_smilies		= 'enable_smilies';
					$this->enable_magic_url		= 'enable_magic_url';
					$this->options				= 7;
					$this->row_date				= 'topic_time';

					$sql_array['SELECT'] = 'f.forum_id, f.forum_status, f.forum_password, f.forum_name, f.forum_topics, f.forum_posts, f.parent_id, f.left_id, f.right_id';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', t.topic_id, t.topic_status, t.topic_title, t.topic_poster, t.topic_first_poster_name, t.topic_replies, t.topic_views, t.topic_time';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', p.post_id, p.post_text, p.bbcode_bitfield, p.bbcode_uid, p.enable_bbcode, p.enable_smilies, p.enable_magic_url, p.post_attachment';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', u.username, u.user_id, u.user_email, u.user_allow_viewemail';
					$sql_array['FROM'][FORUMS_TABLE] = 'f';
					$sql_array['FROM'][TOPICS_TABLE] = 't';
					$sql_array['FROM'][POSTS_TABLE]  = 'p';
					$sql_array['FROM'][USERS_TABLE]  = 'u';
					$sql_array['WHERE'] = 'p.post_approved = 1 AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('t.forum_id', $include_forums);
					$sql_array['WHERE'].= ' AND ( f.forum_id = t.forum_id AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id  AND u.user_id = t.topic_poster ) ';
					$sql_array['ORDER_BY'] = 't.topic_time DESC';

			case 'egosearch':
				if ( $config['rss_egosearch'] )
					//check logged on
					if ( $user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS )
						$this->lang_error ='NOT_AUTHORISED';

					// Adjust the amount of items to display
					$this->sql_limit			= $config['rss_egosearch_limit'];

					$this->row_title			= 'post_subject';
					$this->row_title2			= 'forum_name';
					$this->row_creator			= 'poster_id';
					$this->row_text				= 'post_text';
					$this->row_bit				= 'bbcode_bitfield';
					$this->row_uid				= 'bbcode_uid';
					$this->enable_bbcode		= 'enable_bbcode';
					$this->enable_smilies		= 'enable_smilies';
					$this->enable_magic_url		= 'enable_magic_url';
					$this->options				= 7;
					$this->row_date				= 'post_time';

					$sql_array['SELECT'] = 'f.forum_id, f.forum_status, f.forum_password, f.forum_name, f.left_id, f.right_id, f.left_id, f.right_id';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', p.post_id, p.poster_id, p.post_time, p.post_subject, p.post_text, p.bbcode_bitfield, p.bbcode_uid, p.enable_bbcode, p.enable_smilies, p.enable_magic_url, p.post_attachment';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', u.username, u.user_id, u.user_email, u.user_allow_viewemail';
					$sql_array['FROM'][FORUMS_TABLE] = 'f';
					$sql_array['FROM'][POSTS_TABLE]  = 'p';
					$sql_array['FROM'][USERS_TABLE]  = 'u';
					$sql_array['WHERE'] = 'p.poster_id =' . $user->data['user_id'] . ' AND p.post_approved = 1 AND u.user_id = p.poster_id ';
					$sql_array['WHERE'].= ' AND f.forum_id = p.forum_id ';
					$sql_array['ORDER_BY'] = 'p.post_time DESC';

			case 'attachments':
				// Check if this option is enabled
				if ( $config['rss_attach'] )
					$this->row_title			= 'forum_name';
					$this->row_title2			= 'real_filename';
					$this->row_creator			= 'poster_id';
					$this->row_text				= 'attach_comment';
					$this->row_bit				= 'bbcode_bitfield';
					$this->row_uid				= 'bbcode_uid';
					$this->enable_bbcode		= 'enable_bbcode';
					$this->enable_smilies		= 'enable_smilies';
					$this->enable_magic_url		= 'enable_magic_url';
					$this->options				= 7;
					$this->row_date				= 'filetime';

					$sql_array['SELECT'] = 'f.forum_id, f.forum_status, f.forum_name, t.*, p.*, a.*, u.username, u.user_id, u.user_email, u.user_allow_viewemail';
					$sql_array['FROM'][FORUMS_TABLE] = 'f';
					$sql_array['FROM'][TOPICS_TABLE] = 't';
					$sql_array['FROM'][POSTS_TABLE]  = 'p';
					$sql_array['FROM'][ATTACHMENTS_TABLE] = 'a';
					$sql_array['FROM'][USERS_TABLE]  = 'u';
					$sql_array['WHERE'] = 'p.post_approved = 1 AND p.post_attachment = 1 AND a.post_msg_id = p.post_id AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND f.forum_id = p.forum_id AND u.user_id = p.poster_id '; 
					$sql_array['ORDER_BY'] = 'LOWER(a.filetime) DESC';

				// Check if this option is enabled
				if ( $config['rss_enable'] || $config['rss_forum'] || $config['rss_thread'] )
					$last_post_time_sql			= '';
					$forum_sql					= '';
					$topic_sql					= '';
					$post_sql					= '';
					$order_sql					= '';

					$this->row_title			= 'post_subject';
					$this->row_title2			= 'topic_title';
					$this->row_creator			= 'poster_id';
					$this->row_text				= 'post_text';
					$this->row_bit				= 'bbcode_bitfield';
					$this->row_uid				= 'bbcode_uid';
					$this->enable_bbcode		= 'enable_bbcode';
					$this->enable_smilies		= 'enable_smilies';
					$this->enable_magic_url		= 'enable_magic_url';
					$this->options				= 7;
					$this->row_date				= 'post_time';

					// Check if this option is enabled
					if ( !$config['rss_forum'] && $this->rss_f_id != 0 && $this->rss_t_id == 0 )

					if ( $this->rss_f_id != 0 )
						// Determine forum childs...
						$sql = 'SELECT sf.forum_id 
							FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' f, ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' sf 
							WHERE f.forum_id = ' . $this->rss_f_id . '
								AND ( sf.left_id BETWEEN f.left_id AND f.right_id )';
						$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

						$forum_ids = array();
						while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
							$forum_ids[] = (int) $row['forum_id'];

						$forum_sql = " AND " . $db->sql_in_set('p.forum_id', $forum_ids);

					// Check if this option is enabled
					if ( !$config['rss_thread'] && $this->rss_t_id != 0 )

					if ( $this->rss_t_id == 0 )
						$topic_sql = " AND p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id ";
						$topic_sql = " AND p.topic_id = t.topic_id AND t.topic_id = $this->rss_t_id";

					$order_sql = (empty($topic_sql) ? 't.topic_last_post_time DESC' : 'p.post_time DESC');

					// Search for active topics
					if ( $this->rss_f_id == 0 && $this->rss_t_id == 0)
						$last_post_time_sql	= " AND t.topic_last_post_time > " . (time() - ($this->sort_days * 24 * 3600));

					if ( $this->rss_p_id != 0 )
						$post_sql = " AND p.post_id = $this->rss_p_id";
						$last_post_time_sql	= '';

					$sql_array['SELECT'] = 'f.forum_id, f.forum_status, f.forum_password, f.forum_name, f.parent_id, f.left_id, f.right_id' ;
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', t.topic_id, t.topic_status, t.topic_last_post_time, t.topic_title, t.topic_time, t.topic_replies, t.topic_views';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', p.post_id, p.topic_id, p.poster_id, p.post_time, p.post_subject, p.post_text, p.bbcode_bitfield, p.bbcode_uid, p.enable_bbcode, p.enable_smilies, p.enable_magic_url, p.post_attachment';
					$sql_array['SELECT'].= ', u.username, u.user_id, u.user_email, u.user_allow_viewemail';
					$sql_array['FROM'][FORUMS_TABLE] = 'f';
					$sql_array['FROM'][TOPICS_TABLE] = 't';
					$sql_array['FROM'][POSTS_TABLE]  = 'p';
					$sql_array['FROM'][USERS_TABLE]  = 'u';
					$sql_array['WHERE'] = "t.topic_moved_id = 0 AND p.post_approved = 1 $post_sql";
					$sql_array['WHERE'].= " AND ( f.forum_id = p.forum_id AND p.topic_id = t.topic_id AND u.user_id = p.poster_id $forum_sql $topic_sql ) $last_post_time_sql ";
					$sql_array['ORDER_BY'] = $order_sql;

		$this->sql = $sql_array;

	* Run the sql and fill the data
	* @return array		$this->items	Containing the query result
	function rss_get_feed()
		// is there any query to run? may be the feed is disabled ;)
		if ( $this->sql['SELECT'] == '')
			return false;
		global $db, $template, $config;

		$this->items = array();

		// Apply filters
		$this->sql['WHERE'] .= (sizeof($this->rss_filters())) ? " AND " . $db->sql_in_set('f.forum_id', $this->rss_filters(), true) : "";

		// Query database
		$this->sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $this->sql);

		// Pagination
		if ( $config['rss_pagination'] )
			$start		= max(request_var('start', 0), 0);
			$total_count= 0;
			$per_page	= $config['rss_pagination_limit'];

			$result = $db->sql_query_limit($this->sql, $this->sql_limit - $start, $start);

			while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
				$this->items[] = $row;

			$total_count = sizeof($this->items) + $start;
			$this->items = array_slice($this->items, 0, $per_page);

				'PAGINATION'	=> generate_pagination("$this->u_rss", $total_count, $per_page, $start),
				'PAGE_NUMBER'	=> on_page($total_count, $this->sql_limit, $start),
			$result = $db->sql_query_limit($this->sql, $this->sql_limit);

			while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
				// If the forum or the topic is locked, skip it...
				if ( $row['forum_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED || ( isset($row['topic_status']) && $row['topic_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED ) )

				$this->items[] = $row;

		return ( !sizeof($this->items) ) ? false : $this->items;

	* Get items property
	* @param array	$row		Array with items data
	* @return array $item_row	Array with items data
	function rss_adjust_item(&$row)
		global $config, $user;

		// Reset some data
		$item_row			= array();

		$item_row['TITLE']	= ( $row[$this->row_title] ) ? $row[$this->row_title] : $row[$this->row_title2];
		$row['username']	= ( isset($row['username']) && $row['username'] != '' ) ? $row['username'] : (( isset($row[$this->row_username]) && $row[$this->row_username] != '' ) ? $row[$this->row_username] : $config['sitename'] );
		$row['user_id']		= ( isset($row['user_id'])  && $row['user_id']  != 0  ) ? $row['user_id']  : (( isset($row[$this->row_creator] ) && $row[$this->row_creator]  != 0  ) ? $row[$this->row_creator] : 2 );
		$user_link			= '<a href="' . $this->rss_append_sid( URL_MEMBERLIST, array('mode' => 'viewprofile', 'u' => $row['user_id'] )) . '">' . $row['username'] . '</a>';

		// Skip some values if it's not enabled ;)
		if ( $config['rss_items_statistics'] )
			// Look if the user has email and allow to display it ;)
			$item_row['AUTHOR']			= ( (isset($row['user_allow_viewemail']) && isset($row['user_email']) ) ? $row['user_email'] : $config['board_email'] ) . ' (' . $row['username'] . ')';
			$item_row['CATEGORY']		= $this->rss_append_sid( URL_VIEWFORUM, array('f' => $row['forum_id']) );
			$item_row['CATEGORY_NAME']	= $row['forum_name'];
			$item_row['DATE']			= $row[$this->row_date];

		switch ($this->rss_mode)
			case 'forums':
				$this->lang_mode		= $user->lang['ALL_FORUMS'];
				$item_row['LINK']		= $this->rss_append_sid( URL_VIEWFORUM, array('f' => $row['forum_id']) );
				$item_row['STATS']		= NULL;
				$row['post_id']			= 0;
				$row[$this->row_text]	= $row['forum_desc'];
				// Get and display all subforums in this forum ?
				$row[$this->row_text]  .= $this->rss_forum_branch( $row );
				$this->text_limit = 0;

			case 'topics':
				$this->lang_mode		= $user->lang['ALL_TOPICS'];
				$item_row['LINK']		= $this->rss_append_sid( URL_VIEWTOPIC, array('p' => $row['post_id'], '#' => "p{$row['post_id']}") );
				$item_row['STATS']		= $user->lang['POSTED'] . ' ' . $user->lang['POST_BY_AUTHOR'] . ' ' . $user_link . ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['POSTED_ON_DATE'] . ' ' . $user->format_date($row[$this->row_date]). ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['REPLIES'] . ' ' . $row['topic_replies'] . ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['VIEWS'] . ' ' . $row['topic_views'];

			case 'newposts':
				$this->lang_mode		= $user->lang['RSS_NEWPOST'];
				$item_row['LINK']		= $this->rss_append_sid( URL_VIEWTOPIC, array('p' => $row['post_id'], '#' => "p{$row['post_id']}") );
				$item_row['STATS']		= $user->lang['POSTED'] . ' ' . $user->lang['POST_BY_AUTHOR'] . ' ' . $user_link . ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['POSTED_ON_DATE'] . ' ' . $user->format_date($row[$this->row_date]). ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['REPLIES'] . ' ' . $row['topic_replies'] . ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['VIEWS'] . ' ' . $row['topic_views'];

			case 'news':
				$this->lang_mode		= $user->lang['RSS_NEWS'];
				$item_row['LINK']		= $this->rss_append_sid( URL_VIEWTOPIC, array('p' => $row['post_id'], '#' => "p{$row['post_id']}") );
				$item_row['STATS']		= $user->lang['POSTED'] . ' ' . $user->lang['POST_BY_AUTHOR'] . ' ' . $user_link . ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['POSTED_ON_DATE'] . ' ' . $user->format_date($row[$this->row_date]). ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['REPLIES'] . ' ' . $row['topic_replies'] . ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['VIEWS'] . ' ' . $row['topic_views'];

			case 'posts':
				$this->lang_mode		= $user->lang['ALL_POSTS'];
				$item_row['LINK']		= $this->rss_append_sid( URL_VIEWTOPIC, array('p' => $row['post_id'], '#' => "p{$row['post_id']}") );
				$item_row['STATS']		= $user->lang['POSTED'] . ' ' . $user->lang['POST_BY_AUTHOR'] . ' ' . $user_link . ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['POSTED_ON_DATE'] . ' ' . $user->format_date($row[$this->row_date]);

			case 'egosearch':
				$this->lang_mode		= $user->lang['USERNAME'] .' : '. $user->data['username'];
				$item_row['LINK']		= $this->rss_append_sid( URL_VIEWTOPIC, array('p' => $row['post_id'], '#' => "p{$row['post_id']}") );
				$item_row['STATS']		= $user->lang['POSTED'] . ' ' . $user->lang['POSTED_ON_DATE'] . ' ' . $user->format_date($row['post_time']);

			case 'attachments':
				$this->lang_mode		= $user->lang['RSS_ATTACH'];
				$row['post_attachment'] = 0;
				$row['post_id']			= $row['post_msg_id'];
				$row[$this->row_text]	= $this->rss_get_attach( $row );
				$item_row['LINK']		= $this->rss_append_sid( URL_VIEWTOPIC, array('p' => $row['post_id'], '#' => "p{$row['post_id']}") );
				$item_row['STATS']		= $user->lang['POSTED'] . ' ' . $user->lang['POST_BY_AUTHOR'] . ' ' . $user_link . ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['POSTED_ON_DATE'] . ' ' . $user->format_date($row[$this->row_date]);

				$this->lang_mode		= ( ($this->rss_f_id) ? $user->lang['FORUM'] .' » ' . $row['forum_name'] . ( ($this->rss_t_id) ? ' » ' . $user->lang['TOPIC'] . ' : ' . $row['topic_title'] : '' ) : '' );
				$item_row['TITLE']		= $row['forum_name'] . " | " . (( $row[$this->row_title] ) ? $row[$this->row_title] : $row[$this->row_title2]);
				$item_row['LINK']		= $this->rss_append_sid( URL_VIEWTOPIC, array('p' => $row['post_id'], '#' => "p{$row['post_id']}") );
				$item_row['STATS']		= $user->lang['POSTED'] . ' ' . $user->lang['POST_BY_AUTHOR'] . ' ' . $user_link . ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['POSTED_ON_DATE'] . ' ' . $user->format_date($row[$this->row_date]). ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['REPLIES'] . ' ' . $row['topic_replies'] . ' &bull; ' . $user->lang['VIEWS'] . ' ' . $row['topic_views'];

		// Does post have an attachment? If so, add it to the list
		$attach_list = array();
		if ( isset($row['post_attachment']) && $row['post_attachment'] && $config['rss_allow_attachments'] )
			$attach_list[] = $row['post_id'];

		$item_row['TEXT'] = ( !$this->show_text ) ? '' : $this->rss_generate_content( $row, $attach_list );


		return $item_row;

	* Get forum branch
	* @param string		$row			Post data
	* @return html
	function rss_forum_branch( $row )
		global $config, $db, $auth, $user;

		$text = '';
		$stat = '';

		// Apply filters
		$not_in_fid = (sizeof($this->rss_filters())) ? " AND " . $db->sql_in_set('f.forum_id', $this->rss_filters(), true) : "";

		$sql = "SELECT sf.forum_id, sf.forum_name, sf.forum_status, sf.forum_desc, sf.forum_type, sf.forum_topics, sf.forum_desc_uid, sf.forum_desc_bitfield, sf.forum_desc_options, sf.forum_topics, sf.forum_posts 
				FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f, " . FORUMS_TABLE . " sf 
				WHERE f.forum_id = " . $row['forum_id'] . "
					AND ( sf.left_id BETWEEN " . $row['left_id'] . " AND " . $row['right_id'] . " ) 
				ORDER BY sf.left_id ASC";
		$forum_result = $db->sql_query($sql);

		$forum_title = '';
		while ($forum_rows = $db->sql_fetchrow($forum_result))
			// If the forum is locked, skip it...
			if ( $forum_rows['forum_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED || $forum_rows['forum_id'] == $row['forum_id'] || !$auth->acl_get('f_list', $forum_rows['forum_id']))

			$forum_title = '<a href="' . $this->rss_append_sid( URL_VIEWFORUM, array('f' => $forum_rows['forum_id']) ) . '">' . $forum_rows['forum_name'] . '</a> ';

			if ( $forum_rows['forum_type'] != FORUM_LINK )
				$stat  = sprintf($user->lang['TOTAL_TOPICS_OTHER'], $forum_rows['forum_topics']) . ' &bull; ' . sprintf($user->lang['TOTAL_POSTS_OTHER'], $forum_rows['forum_posts']);
				$stat = $user->lang['REDIRECTS'] . " : <strong>{$forum_rows['forum_posts']}</strong>";
			$text .= "<ul><li><strong>" . $user->lang['SUBFORUM'] . " : </strong>$forum_title" . ( $stat ? "( <em>$stat</em> )" : '' ) . ( ( $forum_rows['forum_type'] != FORUM_LINK ) ? "<br />" . generate_text_for_display($forum_rows['forum_desc'], $forum_rows['forum_desc_uid'], $forum_rows['forum_desc_bitfield'], $forum_rows['forum_desc_options']) : '' );

//			$text .= $stat . '<br />';

			if ( $config['rss_forums_topics'] )
				// Only return up to 100 topics, more will be dangerous? ;)
				$number_topics = 100;

				$topic_sql = "SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_status, t.topic_title 
								FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t 
								WHERE t.forum_id = {$forum_rows['forum_id']}";
				$topic_result = $db->sql_query_limit($topic_sql, $number_topics);

				$topic_titles = '';
				$sizeof_topis = 0;
				while ( $topic_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($topic_result) )
					// If the topic is locked, skip it...
					if ( $topic_row['topic_status'] == ITEM_LOCKED )

					// list of topics witout a link
				//	$topic_titles .= "<li>{$topic_row['topic_title']}</li>";
					// list of topics with a link
					$topic_titles .= '<li><a href="' . $this->rss_append_sid( URL_VIEWTOPIC, array('t' => $topic_row['topic_id']) ) . '">' . $topic_row['topic_title'] . '</a></li>';

				if ( $sizeof_topis > 0 )
					$text .= "<ul><li><strong>" . ( ($sizeof_topis == 1) ? $user->lang['TOPIC'] : $user->lang['TOPICS'] ) . " : </strong><ul>$topic_titles" . ( $forum_rows['forum_topics'] > $number_topics ? '...' : '' ) . '</ul></li></ul>';
//			$text .= "</li>" . $stat . '</ul>';
			$text .= '</li></ul>';


		return "<div>$text</div>";

	* Get only attachment
	* @param string		$row			Post data
	* @return html
	function rss_get_attach( $row )
		global $user;

		$text = '';

		if (empty($this->extensions_ary) || !is_array($this->extensions_ary))
			global $cache;
			$this->extensions_ary = $cache->obtain_attach_extensions( $row['forum_id'] );

		$upload_icon = '';
		if (isset($this->extensions_ary[$row['extension']]))
			if ($user->img('icon_topic_attach', '') && !$this->extensions_ary[$row['extension']]['upload_icon'])
				$upload_icon = $user->img('icon_topic_attach', '');
			else if ($this->extensions_ary[$row['extension']]['upload_icon'])
				global $phpbb_root_path;
				$upload_icon = '<img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . $config['upload_icons_path'] . '/' . trim($this->extensions_ary[$row['extension']]['upload_icon']) . '" alt="" />';

		if ( !extension_allowed($row['forum_id'], $row['extension'], $extensions))
			$text	= sprintf($user->lang['EXTENSION_DISABLED_AFTER_POSTING'], $row['extension']);
			$display_cat = $this->extensions_ary[$row['extension']]['display_cat'];
			switch ($display_cat)
			{	// Images
				// Images, but display Thumbnail
				// Windows Media Streams
				// Real Media Streams
				// Macromedia Flash Files
					$l_downloaded_viewed = 'VIEWED_COUNT';

					$l_downloaded_viewed = 'DOWNLOAD_COUNT';

			// Emule an enclosure tag, but compatible with all browsers/readers :)
			$attach_comment	= strip_tags(html_entity_decode(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array(' ', " "), censor_text($row['attach_comment']))));
			$text			= '<fieldset style="background: #DBD7D1; padding: 5px;">' . ( $attach_comment ? '<legend>' . $attach_comment . '</legend>' : '' ) . $upload_icon . ( ( $row[$this->row_title2] ) ? ' <a class="postlink" href="' . $this->rss_append_sid( URL_DOWNLOAD_FILE, array('id' => $row['attach_id']) ) . '" title="' . $attach_comment . '">' . $row[$this->row_title2] . '</a> ' : '' );
			$text		   .= '( ' . get_formatted_filesize($row['filesize'], false) . ' ' . ( ($row['filesize'] >= 1048576) ? $user->lang['MIB'] : (($row['filesize'] >= 1024) ? $user->lang['KIB'] : $user->lang['BYTES']) ) . ' ) ';
			$text		   .= (!isset($row['download_count']) || $row['download_count'] == 0) ? $user->lang[$l_downloaded_viewed . '_NONE'] : (($row['download_count'] == 1) ? sprintf($user->lang[$l_downloaded_viewed], $row['download_count']) : sprintf($user->lang[$l_downloaded_viewed . 'S'], $row['download_count']));
			$text		   .= '</fieldset>';

		return $text;

	* Find out in which forums ( and all it's child's ) the user is not allowed to view
	* @return array 	$this->excluded_forums_ary with forum id to exclude
	function rss_filters()
		global $auth, $db, $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;

		// Do not run twice if it has already been executed earlier.
		if ($this->excluded_forums_ary !== NULL)
			return $this->excluded_forums_ary;

		$this->excluded_forums_ary = array();

		// Which forums should be directly excluded ?
		if ( $config['rss_exclude_id'] != '' )
			if (!is_array( $config['rss_exclude_id'] ))
				$forums_id	= explode(",", $config['rss_exclude_id'] );
			foreach ( $forums_id as $fid )
				if ( $fid )
					$this->excluded_forums_ary[] = (int) $fid;

		// Start with a list of forums without initial exclusions id's
		$not_in_fid = ( sizeof($this->excluded_forums_ary) ) ? 'WHERE (' . $db->sql_in_set('forum_id', $this->excluded_forums_ary, true) . ") OR (forum_password <> '' )" : '';

		$sql = "SELECT forum_id, parent_id, forum_password, forum_parents, left_id, right_id 
				FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE . "  
				ORDER BY forum_id";
		$rss_filters_result = $db->sql_query($sql);

		while ( $forum_data = $db->sql_fetchrow($rss_filters_result) )
			// Exclude passworded forum completely ( for some reason the (forum_password <> '' ) in SQL query doesn't work ;) )
			if ( $forum_data['forum_password'] != '' )
				$this->excluded_forums_ary[] = (int) $forum_data['forum_id'];

			// Exclude forums the user is not able to read
			if ( !$auth->acl_get('f_list', $forum_data['forum_id']) )
				$this->excluded_forums_ary[] = (int) $forum_data['forum_id'];

			// Skip direct child of a excluded forum
			if ( in_array($forum_data['parent_id'], $this->excluded_forums_ary) )
				$this->excluded_forums_ary[] = (int) $forum_data['forum_id'];

			if ( $forum_data['parent_id'] > 0 )
				// Needed for some pages, like login ;)
				require_once( $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_display.' . $phpEx );

				// Get forum parents
				$forum_parents = get_forum_parents( $forum_data );

				// Search for subforums
				if ( !empty( $forum_parents ) )
					foreach ( $forum_parents as $parent_forum_id => $parent_data )
						// Skip this parent if the user does not have the permission to view it
						if ( !$auth->acl_get('f_list', $parent_forum_id) )
							$this->excluded_forums_ary[] = $parent_forum_id;

						// Skip this forum if it's the child of a excluded forum
						if ( in_array($parent_forum_id, $this->excluded_forums_ary) )
							$this->excluded_forums_ary[] = (int) $forum_data['forum_id'];

		return $this->excluded_forums_ary;

	* Property build links 
	* @param string $url The url the session id needs to be appended to (can have params)
	* @param mixed $params String or array of additional url parameters
	* @param bool $is_amp Is url using & (true) or & (false)
	* @param string $session_id Possibility to use a custom session id instead of the global one
	* Examples:
	* <code>
	* append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx?t=1&f=2");
	* append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 't=1&f=2');
	* append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 't=1&f=2', false);
	* append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", array('t' => 1, 'f' => 2));
	* </code>
	* Code based off root/includes/function.php -> reapply_sid()
	function rss_append_sid($url, $params = false, $is_amp = true, $session_id = false)
		* global $phpbb_seo, $phpbb_root_path;
		* $url = str_replace(URL_BOARD, $phpbb_root_path, $url);

		$rss_link = append_sid($url, $params, false);

		// Remove added sid
		if ( strpos($rss_link, 'sid=') !== false )
		//	$rss_link = preg_replace('/(&|&|\?)sid=[a-z0-9]+(&|&)?/', '\1', $rss_link);
			$rss_link = trim(preg_replace(array('`&(amp;)?sid=[a-z0-9]*(&|&)?`', '`(\?)sid=[a-z0-9]*`'), array('\2', '\1'), $rss_link), '?');
		return $rss_link;

	* Get date in RFC2822 format
	* @param $forced	bool 	force time to 0 
	* @param $timestamp	integer	the time
	* @param $timezone	integer	the time zone
	* @return string	string	date in RFC2822 format
	* Code based off : 
	* 3.3
	function rss_date2822( $forced = false, $timestamp = 0, $timezone = 0 )
		global $config;

		// Local differential hours+min. (HHMM) ( ("+" / "-") 4DIGIT ); 
		$timezone  = ( $timezone ) ? $timezone   : $config['board_timezone'];
		$timezone  = $timezone + $config['board_dst'];
		$timezone  = ( $timezone > 0 ) ? '+' . $timezone : $timezone;
		$tz = $tzhour = $tzminutes = '';

		$matches = array();
		if ( preg_match('/^([\-+])?([0-9]+)?(\.)?([0-9]+)?$/', $timezone, $matches) )
			$tz			= isset($matches[1] ) ? $matches[1] : $tz;
			$tzhour		= isset($matches[2] ) ? str_pad($matches[2], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) : $tzhour;
			$tzminutes	= isset($matches[4] ) ? ( ( $matches[4] == '75' ) ? '45' : '30' ) : '00';
			$timezone	= $tz . $tzhour . $tzminutes;
		$timezone  = ( (int) $timezone == 0 ) ? 'GMT' : $timezone;

		$date_time = ( $timestamp ) ? $timestamp : time();
		$date_time = ( $forced ) ? date('D, d M Y 00:00:00', $date_time) : date('D, d M Y H:i:s', $date_time);

		return $date_time . ' ' . $timezone;

	* Generate text content
	* @param string		$row			Post data
	* @param array		$attach_list	array with post id
	* @return string	
	function rss_generate_content( $row, $attach_list )
		global $user, $config;

		$post_id			= $row['post_id'] ;
		$forum_id			= $row['forum_id'] ;
		$content			= $row[$this->row_text] ;
		$uid				= $row[$this->row_uid] ;
		$bitfield			= $row[$this->row_bit] ;
		$options			= ( isset($row[$this->options])			 ) ? $row[$this->options]			: $this->options ;
		$enable_bbcode		= ( isset($row[$this->enable_bbcode])	 ) ? $row[$this->enable_bbcode]		: $this->enable_bbcode ;
		$enable_smilies		= ( isset($row[$this->enable_magic_url]) ) ? $row[$this->enable_smilies]	: $this->enable_smilies ;
		$enable_magic_url	= ( isset($row[$this->enable_magic_url]) ) ? $row[$this->enable_magic_url]	: $this->enable_magic_url ;

		if (empty($content))
			return '';

		// Remove Comments from smiles
		$content	= smiley_text($content);

		// Truncates post text ?
		if ( (strlen($content) > $this->text_limit) && ($this->text_limit != 0) )
			$content	= $this->rss_truncate_content($content, $this->text_limit, $uid, false );

		/** Just remember : Never use it !
		* Commented out so I do not make the same error twice.
		$content	= html_entity_decode($content);

		// Parse it!
		if ( $enable_bbcode !== NULL && $enable_smilies !== NULL && $enable_magic_url !== NULL)
			$options = (($enable_bbcode) ? OPTION_FLAG_BBCODE : 0) + (($enable_smilies) ? OPTION_FLAG_SMILIES : 0) + (($enable_magic_url) ? OPTION_FLAG_LINKS : 0);

		$content	= generate_text_for_display($content, $uid, $bitfield, $options);

		// Fix some spaces
		$content	= bbcode_nl2br($content);

		// Fix smilies
		$content	= str_replace('{SMILIES_PATH}/', URL_BOARD . "{$config['smilies_path']}/", $content);

		// Relative Path to Absolute path, Windows style
		$content	= str_replace('./', URL_BOARD, $content);

		// Remove code "Select all" link
		$content	= preg_replace('#<a href="\#" onclick="selectCode(.*?)">' . $user->lang['SELECT_ALL_CODE'] . '</a>#', '', $content);

		// Remove all JavaScript Event Handlers
		$content	= preg_replace('#(onabort|onblur|onchange|onclick|ondblclick|onerror|onfocus|onkeydown|onkeypress|onkeyup|onload|onmousedown|onmousemove|onmouseout|onmouseover|onmouseup|onreset|onresize|onselect|onsubmit|onunload)="(.*?)"#si', '', $content);

		// Remove Comments from post content
		$content	= preg_replace('#<!-- ([lmwe]) -->(.*?)<!-- ([lmwe]) -->#si', '$2', $content);

		// Remove embed Windows Media Streams
		$content	= preg_replace( '#<\!--\[if \!IE\]>-->([^[]+)<\!--<!\[endif\]-->#si', '', $content);

		// Remove embed and objects, but leaving a link to the video
		// Use (<|<) and (>|>) because can be contained into [code]
$content = preg_replace('/(<|<)object[^>]*?>.*?(value|src)=(.*?)(^|[\n\t (>]).*?object(>|>)/', ' <a href=$3 target="_blank"><strong>object</strong></a>',$content);
$content = preg_replace('/(<|<)embed[^>]*?>.*?(value|src)=(.*?)(^|[\n\t (>]).*?embed(>|>)/', ' <a href=$3 target="_blank"><strong>embed</strong></a>',$content);

// Potentially Malicious HTML Tags ?
// Remove some specials html tag, because somewhere there are a mod to allow html tags ;)
// Use (<|<) and (>|>) because can be contained into
$content = preg_replace(
// '@<object[^>]*?.*?</object>@siu',
// '@<embed[^>]*?.*?</embed>@siu',
// '<strong>embed</strong>',
// '<strong>embed</strong>',
, $content);

// Resize images ?
if ( $config['rss_image_size'] )
$content = preg_replace('#<img.*?src=\"(.*?)\" alt=(.*?)/>#ise', "\$this->rss_check_imagesize( '$1' )", $content);

/** Convert special HTML entities back to characters
* Some languages will need it
* Commented out so I do not loose the code.
$content = htmlspecialchars_decode($content);

// Other control characters
$content = preg_replace('#(?:[\x00-\x1F\x7F]+|(?:\xC2[\x80-\x9F])+)#', '', $content);

// Pull attachment data
if (sizeof($attach_list))
global $auth, $db;

$attachments = $update_count = array();
$attachments['post_id'][] = $post_id;

// Pull attachment data
if ($auth->acl_get('u_download') && $auth->acl_get('f_download', $forum_id))
$attachments = array();
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('post_msg_id', $attach_list) . '
AND in_message = 0
ORDER BY filetime DESC, post_msg_id ASC';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$attachments[$row['post_msg_id']][] = $row;

// Attach in-line
parse_attachments($forum_id, $content, $attachments[$post_id], $update_count);

// Display not already displayed Attachments for this post, we already parsed them. ;)
if ( !empty($attachments[$post_id]) )
$attachment_data = '';
foreach ($attachments[$post_id] as $attachment)
$attachment_data .= $attachment;
// Relative Path to Absolute path, Windows style
$attachment_data = str_replace('./', URL_BOARD, $attachment_data);

// $content .= '<br /><br />' . $user->lang['ATTACHMENTS'] . $attachment_data;
$content .= '<br /><br /><fieldset style="background: #DBD7D1; padding: 5px;"><legend>' . $user->lang['ATTACHMENTS'] . '</legend>' . $attachment_data . '</fieldset>';
// Remove attachments [ia]
$content = preg_replace('#<div class="(inline-attachment|attachtitle)">(.*?)<!-- ia(.*?) -->(.*?)<!-- ia(.*?) -->(.*?)</div>#si','',$content);

* A bit of Style ;)
if ( strpos($content, 'codebox') !== false || strpos($content, 'codetitle') !== false )
// Prosilver code
$content = preg_replace('#<dl class="codebox"><dt>(.*?)</dt><dd><code>(.*?)</code></dd></dl>#', '<fieldset><legend>$1</legend>$2</fieldset>', $content);
// Subsilver2 code
$content = preg_replace('#<div class="codetitle">(.*?)</div><div class="codecontent">(.*?)</div>#', '<fieldset><legend>$1</legend>$2</fieldset>', $content);

if ( strpos($content, 'blockquote') !== false || strpos($content, 'quotetitle') !== false )
// Prosilver quotes
$content = preg_replace('#<blockquote[^>]*?><div>(<cite>)(.*?)(</cite>)(.*?)</div></blockquote>#', '<fieldset><legend>$2</legend>$4</fieldset>', $content);
$content = preg_replace('#<blockquote[^>]*?><div>(.*?)</div></blockquote>#', '<fieldset><legend>' . $user->lang['QUOTE'] . ':</legend>$1</fieldset>', $content);
// Subsilver2 quotes
$content = preg_replace('#<div class="quotetitle">(.*?)</div><div class="quotecontent">(.*?)</div>#', '<fieldset><legend>$1</legend>$2</fieldset>', $content);

if ( strpos($content, 'inline-attachment') !== false || strpos($content, 'attachcontent') !== false )
// Attachments
$content = preg_replace('#(|<div class="attachtitle">.*?</div>)<div class="(inline-attachment|attachcontent)">(.*?)</div>#si', '<fieldset style="background: #DBD7D1; padding: 5px;"><legend>' . $user->lang['ATTACHMENTS'] . '</legend>$3</fieldset>',$content);

/** Just remember : Never use it !
* Commented out so I do not make the same error twice.
$content = htmlspecialchars($content);
return $content;

* Truncates post text while retaining completes bbcodes tag, triying to not cut in between
* @param string $content post text
* @param int $text_limit number of characters to get
* @param string $uid bbcode uid
* @param bolean $recursive call this function from inside this?
* @return string $content
function rss_truncate_content($content, $text_limit, $uid, $recursive = true )
global $phpbb_root_path, $config;

$end_content = ( !$recursive ? '<br />...' : '' );

$content = " " . $content;
// Change " with '
$str = str_replace(""", "'", $content);
$curr_pos = 0;
$curr_length = 0;
$curr_text = '';
$next_text = '';

// Start at the 1st char of the string, looking for opening tags. Cutting the text in each space...
while( $curr_length < $text_limit )
$_word = explode(' ', $str);
$skip_lenght = false;

// pad it with a space so we can distinguish between FALSE and matching the 1st char (index 0).
$curr_word = (( $_word[0] != ' ') ? ' ' : '' ) . $_word[0];

// current word/part carry a posible bbcode tag ?
$the_first_open_bbcode = ( strpos($curr_word, "[") && !strpos($curr_word, "[/") ) ? true : false;

// fix for smiles, make sure always are completes
if ( strpos($curr_word, "<img") )
$smile_open = strpos( $str, '<img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . $config['smilies_path'] . '/');
$smile_close = strpos( $str, " />", $smile_open );
$curr_word = substr( $str, 0, $smile_close+3 );
$the_first_open_bbcode = false;

// fix for make_clickable, make sure always are completes
if ( strpos($curr_word, "<a") )
$anchor_open = strpos( $str, '<a');
$anchor_close = strpos( $str, "/a>", $anchor_open );
$curr_word = substr( $str, 0, $anchor_close+3 );
$the_first_open_bbcode = false;

// if yes looks for the end of this bbcode tag
if ( $the_first_open_bbcode !== false )
$the_first_open_bbcode = strpos($str, "[");
$the_first_close_bbode = strpos($str, "]");

if ( $the_first_open_bbcode > $the_first_close_bbode )
$the_first_open_bbcode = -1;

// Get the current bbcode, all between [??:??]
$the_curr_bbcode_tag = substr($str, ($the_first_open_bbcode+1), (($the_first_close_bbode)-($the_first_open_bbcode+1)));

// Now search for the end of the current bbcode tag, all between [/??:??]
if ( strpos($the_curr_bbcode_tag, "=") )
list( $bbcode_tag_close, $garbage ) = explode( '[=]', $the_curr_bbcode_tag ); // list( $bbcode_tag, $garbage ) = split( '[=:]', $the_curr_bbcode_tag );

// little fix for a particular bbcode :)
if ( $bbcode_tag_close != "tr" && $bbcode_tag_close != "td")
$bbcode_tag_close .= ":" . $uid ;

if ( $bbcode_tag_close == "list:$uid" )
$bbcode_tag_close = "list:o:$uid";
$skip_lenght = true;
$bbcode_tag_close = $the_curr_bbcode_tag;

if ( $bbcode_tag_close == "list:$uid" )
$bbcode_tag_close = "list:u:$uid";
$skip_lenght = true;

if ( $bbcode_tag_close == "*:$uid")
$bbcode_tag_close = "*:m:$uid";

$the_curr_bbcode_tag_close = "[/$bbcode_tag_close]";

// Is this a simple bbcode tag without a close bbcode [??:??] // like [tab=xx]
// Or may be the user use the "[" and/or "]" for another propose...
if ( strpos($str, $the_curr_bbcode_tag_close) === false )
$the_first_close_bbode = $the_first_close_bbode+1;
$the_second_close_bbcode = $the_first_close_bbode;
$skip_lenght = true;
$the_second_close_bbcode = strpos($str, $the_curr_bbcode_tag_close)+strlen($the_curr_bbcode_tag_close);

// Until here all works like expected,
// But sometimes the length is much longer as expected, because a bbcode can contain a lot of text, so try to do some magic :)
$curr_length_until = strlen( $curr_text ) + strlen( substr($str, 0, $the_second_close_bbcode) );

// Test if the future lenght is longer that the $text_limit
if ( ( $curr_length_until > $text_limit ) && !$recursive && !$skip_lenght)
// Run me again but this time only with the current bbcode content, Can we do that ? :) Yes !
$the_second_open_bbcode = strpos($str, "[");

if ( $the_second_open_bbcode )
$curr_text .= " " . substr($str, 0, $the_second_open_bbcode);
$str = substr($str, $the_second_open_bbcode);

$current_bbcode_content = substr( $str, strlen("[$the_curr_bbcode_tag]") );
$current_bbcode_content = substr( $current_bbcode_content, 0, strpos($current_bbcode_content, $the_curr_bbcode_tag_close) );

$next_text = "[$the_curr_bbcode_tag]" . $this->rss_truncate_content($current_bbcode_content, ($text_limit-$curr_length), $uid, true) . $the_curr_bbcode_tag_close;
$curr_text .= " " . $next_text;
$curr_pos += strlen($next_text);
$next_text = substr($str, 0, $the_second_close_bbcode);
$curr_text .= " " . $next_text;
$curr_pos += strlen($next_text);
// current word is not a bbcode tag
$curr_text .= $curr_word;
$curr_pos += strlen($curr_word);

$str = substr( $content, $curr_pos );

// Count for words, without bbcodes, so get the real post length :)
$curr_length = strlen( preg_replace( "#\[(.*?):$uid\](.*?)\[(.*?):$uid\]#is", '$2', $curr_text ) );

return $curr_text . $end_content;

может кто-нить умный глянет и сразу поймет как решить...
Аватара пользователя
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Старожил Форума
Сообщения: 16763
Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц
Откуда: Витебск
Контактная информация:

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение DeaDRoMeO »

Ой пипец, сколько раз писал - не брать с того форума моды, а всеравно берут. Мод 3-х летней давности поставили, хотя он до сих пор поддерживается и обновляется автором. Ладно, завтра попробую поглядеть что можно сделать
На вопросы, связанные с phpBB, по ЛС не отвечаю !!!
Зашел немного посидеть
Зашел немного посидеть
Сообщения: 68
Стаж: 11 лет 5 месяцев

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение weerdsa »

да я его как год уже назад поставил, переделал все ссылки под него. Я бы может сейчас бы и с радостью его снес вообще и поставил другой вариант, но это черезчур обширный труд будет((
Аватара пользователя
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Старожил Форума
Сообщения: 16763
Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц
Откуда: Витебск
Контактная информация:

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение DeaDRoMeO »

Так, давайте уточним, вам надо чтобы стандартная RSS лента генерировалась с СЕО адресами?
На вопросы, связанные с phpBB, по ЛС не отвечаю !!!
Зашел немного посидеть
Зашел немного посидеть
Сообщения: 68
Стаж: 11 лет 5 месяцев

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение weerdsa »

да, именно так
Аватара пользователя
Старожил Форума
Старожил Форума
Сообщения: 16763
Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц
Откуда: Витебск
Контактная информация:

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение DeaDRoMeO » ... ss-61.html - в сторону этого не глядели ? Специально для сео мода
На вопросы, связанные с phpBB, по ЛС не отвечаю !!!
Зашел немного посидеть
Зашел немного посидеть
Сообщения: 68
Стаж: 11 лет 5 месяцев

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение weerdsa »

Щас глянул, скачиваю, сегодня вечером попробую - завтра отпишусь что и как получилось)
Зашел немного посидеть
Зашел немного посидеть
Сообщения: 68
Стаж: 11 лет 5 месяцев

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение weerdsa »

да, он ссылки правильно генериует, действующие.
Вот только еще вопрос - не встречался ли вам его перевод??
Аватара пользователя
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Старожил Форума
Сообщения: 16763
Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц
Откуда: Витебск
Контактная информация:

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение DeaDRoMeO »

Перевод? Ну завтра попробую вытянуть у себя, но у меня только пользовательской части кривой перевод, перевода админки нет
На вопросы, связанные с phpBB, по ЛС не отвечаю !!!
Зашел немного посидеть
Зашел немного посидеть
Сообщения: 68
Стаж: 11 лет 5 месяцев

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение weerdsa »

Заранее примного благодарен.
Аватара пользователя
Старожил Форума
Старожил Форума
Сообщения: 16763
Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц
Откуда: Витебск
Контактная информация:

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение DeaDRoMeO »

Вообщем я не знаю, подойдет ли локализация, не известно какой версии у меня мод этот. Папку из архива поместить в language/ru/
(34.04 КБ) 27 скачиваний
На вопросы, связанные с phpBB, по ЛС не отвечаю !!!
Заглянул на огонек
Заглянул на огонек
Сообщения: 31
Стаж: 9 лет 8 месяцев

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение Leff »

Больше ни у кого нет перевода?
Аватара пользователя
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Старожил Форума
Сообщения: 16763
Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц
Откуда: Витебск
Контактная информация:

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение DeaDRoMeO »

А в сообщении выше не подходит?
На вопросы, связанные с phpBB, по ЛС не отвечаю !!!
Заглянул на огонек
Заглянул на огонек
Сообщения: 9
Стаж: 7 лет 10 месяцев

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение Павел2 »

Здравствуйте. Не могли бы вы поделиться этим модом, так как сайт phpbb-seo по моему "приказал долго жить"? И ещё вопрос, можно ли его настроить под вывод полнотекстовых сообщений с форума?
Аватара пользователя
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Старожил Форума
Сообщения: 16763
Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц
Откуда: Витебск
Контактная информация:

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение DeaDRoMeO »

Павел2 писал(а): Не могли бы вы поделиться этим модом
Вам нужен сео мод или Gym sitemap ?
На вопросы, связанные с phpBB, по ЛС не отвечаю !!!
Заглянул на огонек
Заглянул на огонек
Сообщения: 9
Стаж: 7 лет 10 месяцев

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение Павел2 »

Мне нужен gym sitemap, а точнее seo rss. Sitemap у меня уже установлен.
У меня сайт новостного характера и потому вопрос, можно ли его настроить на вывод полного текста темы?
Аватара пользователя
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Старожил Форума
Сообщения: 16763
Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц
Откуда: Витебск
Контактная информация:

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение DeaDRoMeO »

Отдельно seo rss нет, все в комплекте с модом gym, его настроек не помню, может и есть такие опции
На вопросы, связанные с phpBB, по ЛС не отвечаю !!!
Заглянул на огонек
Заглянул на огонек
Сообщения: 9
Стаж: 7 лет 10 месяцев

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение Павел2 »

После суток простоя сайт, где выложен этот мод заработал. Скачал, установил (геморрой на свою голову), но самое главное так и не понял - как изменить в настройках мода вывод полнотекстовой ленты rss так, чтобы отображалась вся тема, а она у меня состоит, как правило из двух постов. У вас этот мод ( gymrss.php ) установлен. Подскажите, как его можно настроить, чтобы выводились полные тексты тем?
Аватара пользователя
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Старожил Форума
Сообщения: 16763
Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц
Откуда: Витебск
Контактная информация:

SEO MOD и rss лента - снова проблема с кривым модом(

Сообщение DeaDRoMeO »

Откровенно говоря, я этот мод вообще не трогал, там столько кода что можно голову сломать, честно я не знаю как сделать такой вывод там
На вопросы, связанные с phpBB, по ЛС не отвечаю !!!
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